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Below are some realities of an IFBB pro card. ……Pro qualifiers are coming up in a few months, please take time to read……
It costs $200 for your pro card, which only allows you to compete in pro shows until the end of the year. Yes, $200 a year. ……If you compete as a pro each year for the next 5 years, that is $1000.
If you turn pro in a popular division, you will have company. 50+ women a year turn pro in physique, figure & bikini. An IFBB pro card is not as rare as it was just 5 years ago. 10 years ago few were turning pro, now hundreds each year turn pro.
When you make your pro debut, few will have any clue who you are. Very few remember who won class b at so and so National show. I can’t tell you how many times each year I am looking up pros, because I am clueless who they are, what show they turned pro in, etc.
Many Pros say that it’s like starting out all over again. You may have won the overall at Jr Nationals, but not even make upper call outs at your pro debut.
No riches. ……The title may help you if you are a personal trainer. I notice quite a few build a small Team. If you are smart, pretty, and have a large following on social media, and are good with people, you should be able to get small sponsorships as an IFBB pro. You may even get lucky and find a sponsor that will pay your competition expenses for a few shows. ……NO ONE should be competing in hopes that competing will be financially rewarding at some point.
The downside of the above is, most who build Teams, shouldn’t. Just because you are a personal trainer and IFBB pro does not mean you are qualified to prep people for shows. Also many women hook up with sponsors they don’t believe in, promoting the garbage on social media.
And good luck beating the obvious favorites in any line up, no matter how good you look.
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