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What do you think is the most impressive body-part? For me it has got to be the abdominal cavity.
Whether you’re an athlete or the average gym goer…Abs are the last thing to show and the first thing to go!
I mean look around…you see big arms, big legs pretty much everywhere. Walk along the boardwalk on a hot summer day and you will quickly notice that a set of chiselled abs are hard to find.
As many of you know I compete A LOT! Yet I maintain a 27.5 inch waistline all year round…period. Come contest time I drop down to near 26 inches.
Even the great Arnold had his fair share of criticism regarding athletes and the lack of the tight midsection.
Here are some benefits of abs (core) training…
- Tightens the abdominal structures involved in movement and improves the transfer of power to and from the extremities.
- Teaches the muscles to work together efficiently and effectively.
- Aids in the prevention of injury.
- Strengthens and improves the torso’s stabilization.
- Can improve respiratory function.
- Facilitates proper distribution of weight and assists the body in absorption of force and transfer of forces.
- Enhances neuromuscular efficiency throughout the body and neuromuscular control for efficient movement and physical positioning.
- Improves spinal and postural control while the body is still and in motion.
- Helps to stabilize and align the spine, ribs and pelvis of a person to withstand static and dynamic force.
- Tightens and flattens the tummy while giving you a more balance esthetic look.
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