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Should you work out when you feel like you’re coming down with a cold? According to the research, this may in fact be a good idea. At the very least, it is unlikely to do you any harm unless you exercise too vigorously.. In one such study, participants were infected with a cold virus and then divided into two groups: an exercise group or a non-exercise group. The exercise group…
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The question: To lose weight, should I spend my gym time doing more cardio or more strength training? The answer: It depends what you mean by “lose weight.” If you are in an epic battle with your scale, cardio is the way to go. If you want to look steamy under those fall sweaters, though, it’s time to cozy up to strength training. Minute per minute, cardio indisputably burns more…
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Understanding The Mechanisms Of Aging So, how exactly does aging occur? We can easily see the results of aging but there are certain biological mechanisms at work that we are often unaware of. The number cells that make up our body are kept at a relatively steady number through the process of mitosis (cells dividing) matched by the number of cells dying. This balance (homeostasis) is necessary for optimal health…
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In fitness it is important to know how to achieve the goals you have in mind. More importantly it is important to have goals to achieve for your fitness level. When you find yourself having a hard time achieving your goals, or even setting goals, it may be time to hire a personal trainer. Personal trainers are valuable assets in the world of physical fitness. They have the training to…
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STRENGTH TRAINING: Get stronger, leaner, healthier
Want to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass and burn calories more efficiently? Strength training to the rescue! Despite its reputation as a “guy” or “jock” thing, strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness for everyone. Use it or lose it Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. “If you don’t do anything to replace the lean muscle you lose, you’ll increase the percentage of fat…
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When did jogging become the standard in fitness? In the 60’s 70’s or 80’s. Just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right. Here’s a question. If you are a runner have you achieved the results of a lean muscular body? I’m not talking about weight loss, I’m talking fat loss. Almost all runners are thin and very weak. Long distance runners or joggers are wasting valuable time, if their…
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In the industry, we call “Before and Afters” simply “B&As,” and they’re without a doubt the most effective advertising device marketers have at their disposal when it comes to supplements or training programs. Think about it; what better way to show what happens to you when you swallow Product X than to show photos of what happened when Joe Average took it? But B&As aren’t just used to hock supplements—they’re…
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Many women, including ones in their 40s, 50s and even older, still believe that lifting weights for fitness will bulk them up. I’m a certified personal trainer. If it were that easy, then all those young men who clang heavy dumbbells, who guzzle buckets of protein shakes every day, would have biceps the size of melons. Women have far less testosterone, the “male hormone,” than men. It is this hormone…
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Why Carbohydrates Matter to You…In the past five years the reputation of carbohydrates has swung wildly. Carbs have been touted as the feared food in fad diets. And some carbs have also been promoted as a healthful nutrient associated with lower risk of chronic disease. So which is it? Are carbs good or bad? The short answer is that they are both. Fortunately, it’s easy separate the good from the…
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What Burns More Calories: Cardio, Intervals, or Weight Training? Let’s say you want to lose weight, and you want to do so in the fastest way possible. Is it hours on the treadmill? Sprints up a hill? Could it possibly be squats and bench presses? I’m going to guess that you have assumptions on what might be best for you. In today’s royal rumble, I’m going to break down the…
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